Membership and Mandate

The Interlake Reserves Tribal Council (IRTC) was incorporated and recognized by the Government of Canada in 1977. It is a formal unification of seven First Nations and one non-affiliated First Nation located in the Interlake area of the Province of Manitoba.

The IRTC represents approximately 14,454 members under the leadership of seven First Nations in the Interlake. IRTC's manadate is to facilitate in the transfer of local control and responsibility of programs and services to its member First Nations.

Member First Nations

Dauphin River First Nation
Chief Emery Stagg

Pinaymootang First Nation
Chief Garnet Woodhouse

Lake Manitoba First Nation
Chief Barry Swan

Lake St. Martin First Nations
Chief Adrian Sinclair
Little Saskatchewan First Nation
Chief Hector Shorting

Kinonjeoshtegon First Nation
Chief Dave Traverse

Peguis First Nation
Chief Glenn Hudson

Fisher River First Nation (Non-Affiliated)
Chief David Crate